Jaden passionately believes that young people can have a monumental impact on what’s happening in our world today, and that it’s each of ours responsibility to find our own personal contribution.
Our Founder, Jaden Winn, is working to inspire other young people to get involved, to help address and resolve the issues facing their generation — the climate crisis, the youth homelessness epidemic, and the lack of inclusivity, equity and representation impacting schools, work environments, and communities.
You can read more here about how Jaden found his way to activism and working to make a positive difference in the issues he cares most about, and how it’s been a game-changer for him personally in his life.
Ideally, and at its best, Youth Igniting Change, is an incubator for developing innovative thinkers, and committed doers, and also a building bridges to creating a world that is safe, just, healthy and inclusive for all people.
The Youth Igniting Change leadership recognizes that many of the young people in the Portland metro area are growing up with great privilege, with little-to-no awareness or understanding about what it’s like to be excluded, or the inequities of a system that does not represent them. Part of Youth Igniting Changes mission is to create a culture where each member understands that it’s essential to examine their own biases, and explore their own inherent judgements of others.
And that only through our own self-reflection and examination are we able to help be a part of changing the experience of exclusion and the inequities that continue to happen to others in our schools, work places, and our communities.
Jaden’s childhood has been far from ideal. He’s had his own significant challenges to overcome, but one of the core values he was raised with is based on the John F. Kennedy quote, ‘ To those whom much is given, much is expected. And even though there were some really tough times in Jaden’s life growing up, he knew he was loved by his parents, that they believed in him, and what he was capable of — and most of the time, he had the experience of having more than enough.
This meant that from the time Jaden was old enough to understand what the JFK quote meant, he had a lot to be thankful for and understood his responsibility to give forward and help support others who had less.
In a world suffering from a variety of social justice issues, I believe it’s up to my generation to redefine what it means to be an engaged, informed, and caring citizen. An inclusive and equitable community is possible when those with more privilege choose to support those who have more to overcome. – Jaden Winn
If so, reach out here, tell us a little about yourself, and how you already are —
or imagine you will contribute your time, talent, and ideas.
We look forward to hearing from you!